Investment Thesis

Who We Seek:
1) Entrepreneurs Qualifications: (must have all three)
a) Trustworthy Character: Be the type of person with whom people are always proud to associate, on and off the field.
b) Sincerity & Honesty: Have the self awareness to accurately perceive and communicate hard truths that improve others and self.
c) Competitive Greatness: Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a hard challenge.
2) Business Qualifications: (must have all three)
a) Enterprises with gross revenues $3,000,000 – $50,000,000 per year ($1M-10M EBITDA)
b) 80% or higher gross margins (or potential to reach this)
c) Existing acquisition channels
3) Industry Qualifications: (must be in one of the following)
a) Service Based Internet Businesses
b) Chain of Brick & Mortar Service-Based Businesses
c) E-learning, Digital, Education, Consulting Businesses
d) Software as a Service (SAAS) or tech enabled services
What We Help Them Do:
How we know we are successful:
1) Company triples profit (or more) in 3 years
2) Company’s monthly cash flow improves, month over month, with the founders taking increasingly larger distributions
3) Founder has stable of executives to help them execute their vision without their daily involvement
4) Company transforms from “big small business” into a “sellable enterprise”
5) The founder creates personal wealth that no longer requires them to work for the rest of their lives.

How We Do It:
We are “entrepreneur first” investors. We invest “smart money” into these businesses in exchange for minority stakes in the companies. However, we function like a majority buyer in the level of effort and resources dedicated to each company. The invested capital is marked down for maximal value creation in four key areas:
1) Tech infrastructure for real time feedback across the company to improve calculated decision-making.
2) Hiring talent with a winning track record to remove the bottlenecks present in most companies.
3) Customer analysis to maximize lifetime gross profit per customer through segmentation, product iteration, and pricing.
4) Professionalization and systemization of the company to decrease risk, create consistency in delivery, financials that are tracked seamlessly, and create a sellable company.

In Plain Words...
The biggest deficit most businesses of this size suffer from is a lack of talent. We “copy-paste” our own C-suite into the business to duplicate our talent/expertise, rather than try and put more on the founder(s) plate. The new “c-suite” focuses on:
1) Acquisition: getting more customers from more avenues
2) Monetization: creating the ideal product, pricing, mix of promotion and advertising, user experience enhancement, activation point tracking, customer health score to maximize lifetime gross profit per customer
3) Shared Services: Finance, HR, Legal to professionalize the business
4) Pre-built CRM/Tech stack that becomes the platform for systems and value acceleration
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